The Treasury Management
system manages the treasury
operations of one of Australia's
largest gold produces.
The system allows treasury
staff to input all their
different deals and produce
the necessary paperwork
for internal record keeping
and the necessary fax
confirmations that are
sent to the party with
whom each deal is being
All the different deal
types are managed by the
system including Hedging
Structures with Scheduled
Deliveries, Call / Put
Vanilla Options, Call
/ Put Knock-In Options,
Call / Put Convertible
Options. Also Metal Fee
Rollovers and Payments,
Commercial Paper, Money
Market Transfers, Spot
Deferred Contracts, Spot
Sales, Transfers, Money
Market Deposits and Forward
Rate Agreements. In addition,
Gold / Currency Loan Facilities
with Drawdowns, Repayments,
Commitment Fees and Agency
Fees. The system is multi-currency
allowing for buying and
selling of commodities
between different currencies
( e.g. XAU, AUD, and USD
An important component
of the system is the Forward
Warning section. This
section warns treasury
staff of all transactions
( e.g. Metal Fee Rollovers,
Scheduled Deliveries,
and Commercial Paper )
that are approaching maturity
within a user-defined
number of days. This information
is used by the treasurer
to determine incoming/outgoing
commitments and therefore
decide the best course
of action to take with
each maturing deal. After
doing this, the treasurer
simply selects each maturing
deal and a new deal is
automatically created
which can then be modified
according to the decisions
made previously. The Forward
Warning section also determines
when an Option is Knocked
- In or Converted based
on variations in the Spot
Price with the Knock -
In Barrier over the Knock
- In period.
A variety of reports
are produced by the system
including management reports,
end of week reports and
deal reports. A maintenance
section is used to enter
new, company, party and
personnel contact information.
This system replaced
the existing system of
numerous Excel spreadsheets
and is currently being
used throughout the treasury
department by five treasury
This system is written
in Access 8.0.
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