CSIRO Projects
BelSoft undertook various
projects in the new Division
of Information Technology
(DITMELA). All coding
was done in C under Unix.
The machines used were
a SUN 3/50 workstation
and a MicroVAX. A contribution
was made on these projects.
Reimplemented the bad
block forwarding mechanism
of UNIX for the SUN. Bad
block forwarding is used
to avoid the use of bad
blocks on the disk. When
access to such a block
is made UNIX automatically
looks up a table and uses
an alternative block.
The kernel installed
at the time didn't have
certain system calls so
the normal method of obtaining
disk information (in particular
a XYLOGIC disk) could
not be used. Instead ioctl
calls had to be combined
to obtain this information.
In addition code was written
that copies the bad block
to the alternative bad
block and marks the new
bad headers.
Implemented a language
to directly describe the
tables in OSI standards.
This would avoid writing
code to implement these
tables. Since most of
the code is repeated amongst
different requests we
also had in mind to make
the whole system table
driven to save space.
The major example we
worked in was the FTAM
protocol. Yacc was used
to parse the language.
Code was written to generate
the table and its driver
from the parse tree. Various
small subsections of the
FTAM table were coded
up and revealed up to
one third saving in the
size of the code. A table
driven version of FTAM
has been marketed by CSIRO.
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