Mystery Shopping
The Mystery Shopping System
controls all aspects of
a mystery shopper program
for quality assurance
of retail chains. At the
start of each four-week
period, the system generates
a questionnaire for each
store that is sent to
the field staff assigned
to carry out the mystery
shop. The questionnaires
are generated in such
a way that predefined
variables such as percentage
of weekday and weekend
visits, percentage of
week one, two, three and
four visits,product ordered
and time to be ordered
are enforced.
Each day a team of phone
operators gather results
from the field staff and
enter these results into
the system. This is done
via a custom data entry
screen that allows for
quick input of responses
to the thirty or so questions
appearing on each questionnaire.
These answers are then
used to generate store
reports which the system
faxes and e-mails directly
to each store. These store
reports contain all results
for prior mystery shops
for the year, YTD results
and a graphical representation
of this information.
At the end of each period
a complete package of
head office reports for
the period is sent to
the head office. The package
comprises control analysis
reports by individual
question, summary reports
by store and a copy of
each store produced for
the period. A copy of
all the period's data
is compressed and forwarded
for analysis to the main
The system is written
in VB with Access 97 or
SQL Server 6.5 back-end.
complete rental system | hire software | software development | asset management | inventory management | web quotes and booking